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Regular price £32.00 GBP
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Miracle-Gro® Patch Magic® Grass Seed, Feed & Coir is an easy-to-use, one step solution to repair patches on lawn. Guaranteed to grow anywhere, even on slopes as it contains a binder which helps to keep the seed from washing away.

A unique formula containing coir absorbs up to 6x its own weight in water surrounding the seed in a protective layer. Enhanced quality seed, free from agricultural grasses, and grows 2x thicker than ordinary grass seed with half the water, and first shoots can be seen within just 4 days.

How to use

  1. Remove any dead grass from the patchy area, loosen the soil with a rake and give the area a thorough soaking with water.
  2. Apply evenly as per the instructions, this is crucial as it makes all the difference to the success of germination.
  3. Water in thoroughly until the coir has turned dark brown.
  4. Regularly check to make sure the the coir does not dry out (will turn back to light brown), but don’t over water!
  5. In just one week or so, depending on weather conditions and temperatures, you should start to see your first shoots, then in the next few weeks your patches will start to blend in with the rest of your lawn.
  6. Leave your new grass to grow and get established, it should not have any treatments applied to it until it is at least 6 months old.

Where to use

For use on bare patches on lawns.

How often to apply

Apply as required.

Seed mixture breakdown

Mixture breakdown of grass seed in addition to fertiliser and coir:

  • 60% Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
  • 40% Chewings Fescue (Festuca rubra commut)
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